Satisfaction is an important part of your day. Satisfaction is a process. Yes, it is a process that happens in your mind and reflects in your attitude.

Anything that can freshen up your mind, make you feel relaxed and brings a smile on your face is a source of satisfaction. Playing your favorite game, listening to your fav music, watching your fav TV show, talking to your fav person, operating your fav e-device, driving your car, going to the fav place of the city you live in, eating your fav food, etc are the things that satisfy you. These are the most obvious sources of satisfaction because they make you happy and happiness is a direct and most common part of the process of satisfaction.

Real challenge of our lives is to experience satisfaction in the things that really do not appeal to happiness. Some everyday things like going to school or going to job do not make most of the people happy after the first few days. Such people just consider it as a part of a day and do not gain satisfaction out of it. They do not understand that completing even a small task at their job or completing a homework or exam at a school is sort of satisfaction.

Somethings in life just go unobserved and unrealized. We forget to realize what we achieved during the entire day. When we get back to our house after a longg busy day, what we concentrate on is dinner and then going to bed. We just keep crying and get sad thinking that we had a busyy day. We do not realize that in this day we did a lottt of satisfactory things.

Do not forget to add up things at the end of the day. I bet the total will put up a smile on your face and give u a feeling like "wow....I had a wonderful day" this is what i call SATISFACTION.